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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Engaging 21st Century Learners: Electronic and Interactive Bulletin Boards

Do you wonder why millennials are so enamored with social media?  Do you find your students using their phones and devises during class to communicate with friends?  Are you looking for ways to gain their attention during lectures?  Twenty-first century, digital natives use social media to share and showcase their ideas.  They post comments, images, and opinions.  They research and read their peers' posts.  They value the expedient and interactive nature of social media tools to communicate.  Electronic and interactive bulletin boards (like Lino) allow you to post information to a digital page. You can use this page to showcase notes and details during a lecture.  You can add videos, images, sticky notes, and here is the most amazing feature...your students can interact with the board in real time, including posting questions, responding to comments, and sharing information.  Watch tutorials on Youtube to learn how to use Lino or other electronic and interactive bulletin boards.  You do not need to an technology expert to use these tools, just give them a try and gather feedback from your students.  

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