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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Pedagogy Perspectives

There are a number of factors that shape a pedagogical perspective.  Professors are researchers, educators, and ultimately pedagogical philosophers who test their teaching and learning theories in and out of the classroom.  We rely on experts to guide our academic choices, our methods for enhancing instructional practices and learning outcomes.  We find what works and reuse those techniques, but the truly innovative educator is always exploring and searching for new approaches. Yet, the reality of finding time to investigate and implement new methods often takes a back seat to other faculty responsibilities.

Here is an idea to help balance the need to be a highly effective educator with the time it takes to adapt instructional initiatives.  Follow at least one blog relating to effective teaching in higher education.  Become inspired by peers who are investigating options for engaging learners, for assessing content in meaningful ways, and for inspiring students to be life long learners.  Consider adding some or all of these links daily, weekly, or monthly viewing.  Above all, consider adding to the discussion with comments or posts.   

Join the blogging world of educators sharing ideas.  Offer your suggestions in the comment box.

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